Author: drdrsteve
West Hagbourne Bike Night
Many thanks to Rob and Marion Allin for organising the bike night and for John Broad for bringing the gazebo. A good turn out despite the weather!
Avoncroft Museum
Thanks to Graham and Diane for an excellent ride out to the interesting Avoncroft Museum.
Bahnstormer Maidenhead
Some of you may have heard that Bahnstormer is moving the Bracknell branch to Maidenhead shortly, probably September. Here are some work in progress photos!
Gasthof Hochalmspitze
Photos from the Gasthof Hochalmspitze, if you have more please post!
Oxford Section at the Bikers Nest, Grossglockner, Austria
On the recent trip to Austria we visited the Bikers Nest at the Grossglocker high alpine road. The final ascent was interesting with cobbled hairpins that could have been entertaining in the wet, luckily it…
French Approved Disposable Breathalysers
Legal requirement from July 2012. These were available from Amazon!
BMW Navigator IV and K1600 Problem Garmin Firmware 4.50
An update on the lost route problem with Garmin firmware 4.50 and the BMW Navigator IV when used on the K1600 GT/GTL. For details of the original problem please see my earlier post . I…
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