Hovercraft Museum

A nice set of photographs of the Hovercraft Museum near Portsmouth, courtesy of John Broad.

Corbin seats – Good idea or not?

CBS News Story on Corbin Seats

BMW Club AGM Report 2012 Moffat

On April 21st the BMW Club AGM was held at Moffat in Scotland and seven Oxford section members attended by car (Derek Johnson, Richard Powell, Geoff Clough and Rob Allin) and bike (Andy Lawson, Catherine…

BMW Off Road Skills – Day in the Dirt

Bob and I attended the BMW ORS Day in the Dirt in South Wales last Saturday. The day was billed as a day of riding rather than instruction. The bikes looked very good outside the…

Bournemouth Hotel Weekend – Warming Up!

Excellent hotel weekend in Bournemouth, evening entertainment was good!


R90S Training Video Found this R90s training Video on BMW forum

Hotel Weekend in Bournemouth

Rideout to Portland Bill Hotel weekend is a great success!

A Little Gem

A little Gem at Brighton last Sunday, Sammy rode a 1914 Zenith Gradua in the Pioneer run, enjoying his arrival with plenty of horn honking.

C650 Maxi Scooter Launch Now May 5th!

    Bahnstormer have just announced on their blog the new launch date and prices for the C650 maxi scooter http://blog.bahnstormer.co.uk/?p=1696.

150 Posts!

We have just exceeded 150 posts on the Oxford section blog, well done to everyone who contributed!