Zoom Pub Social and Film Nite at the Rose and Crown, Charlton

Our regular pub social has a virtual meeting on Tuesday 28th April 7.00pm at the Rose and Crown. You can join us by clicking on the Attend button on the event page of our club Meetup group.  https://www.meetup.com/BMW-Club-Oxford-Motorcycle-Riders/events/270111191/


If you are not yet a member of  Meetup then you will need to join first. Then search for BMW Club Oxford Motorcycle Riders and click on request to join button. There is no additional cost. If you do not want to post a personal photo any image will do.

Details posted on Meetup

“Welcome Everyone” to our first MUC-19 (Motorcycling Under Covid-19) event. As on every 4th Tuesday, we are meeting at the Rose and Crown, Charlton OX17 3DP . . . . but tonight you have to use your imagination 😁. The MC tonight will be Dave Tomlinson our Social Secretary. We will be using Zoom software so be sure to download it (App/Play store or from website). If you have not used it before click on the following link at 6.15pm and there will be an opportunity to familiarise yourself :https://us04web.zoom.us/j/78357729649

🏍 Pre-meet prep : track down a copy of tonight’s film ‘The World’s Fastest Indian’. The story of New Zealander Burt Munro, who spent years rebuilding a 1920 Indian motorcycle, which helped him set the land speed world record at Bonneville Salt Flats in 1967. It’s available on Amazon Prime at no extra cost or you can rent it from them for £0.99p. Also on DVD for £5.99. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Worlds-Fastest-Indian-DVD/dp/B00ENZUUN0  Get in the beer/wine/nibbles. 🍺 🍷 🥤 🥨

🏍 7.00pm. Gather in the Zoom meeting room by clicking/tapping on the link shown on the Meetup event page. Now is the chance to chat, catch up, swop information, hear from any Club office holders present, sip your beverage ! To make Zoom work for us it’s best to follow the Zoom etiquette shown below.

🏍 7.30pm. Movie time ! The film lasts 2hrs 2 mins. Zoom meeting closes and we get to enjoy tonight’s film in the comfort of our own homes.

🏍 9.35pm. Return to the Zoom meeting room by clicking on the same link as before. Pub quiz when all the questions will be based on the film.

🏍 10.00pm. Fond farewells. Meeting closes. Same time next week at the Dashwood Arms, Piddington !

P.S. We love supporting Thames Valley Air Ambulance. Please donate £2 on the club’s Just Giving page to help our Airborne Carers.      https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/bmw-club-oxford-section-charity


Originally posted 2020-04-23 19:57:40.


Author: James O'Shea