Oxford section trip to the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy

We have an evening event coming up on Wednesday 15th March at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, for which you need to register in advance.  There are more details in the attached flyer – if you…

Ride Out to the 1,000 mph Bloodhound Project Saturday 6th May, 2017

Southern section has invited the Oxford section to join them at the Bloodhound event on Saturday 6th May 2017 10.30am in Bristol:-

Ride Out to the Bike Shed 2017

Chris Bond will be leading a ride out to Bike Shed 2017 on the 28th May 2017, leaving Peartree Services at 8.30am for breakfast at the Ace Cafe before leaving for the short journey to…

To GPS or not to GPS?

That is the question: Whether It is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous Bluetooth or to take arms against a sea of Menus and end them! (Apologies to Shakespeare)….

Circle2Circle Motorbike Ride

Avebury Circle to the Arctic Circle, 6,000km over 17 days. Two riders start the journey on 20th May 2011, on BMW R1200Rs. The ride is collecting for the Air Ambulance charity. The project is being…

A Trip to Kosovo

On Sunday 11 December, we had an excellent talk from Mark Powell on his travels in the Balkans and Kosovo in particular. Mark mentioned a charity, The Ideas Partnership, which works to help children in Kosovo…

Oxford Section Newsletter – Now Available

The Oxford Section Newsletter now has its own page on the section website see Newsletter Archive. We will be posting all the back issues on this page if you need to access them. So far…

New Oxford Section Logo Approved by BMW Motorrad

We have recently had the new Oxford Section logo approved  by BMW Motorrad and we are now able to use this logo. The website has been updated.

What Type of Motorcycle Racing do you Enjoy?


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