During 2023 the BMW Club Oxford has been collecting for the Thames Valley Air Ambulance (TVAA) to help support operations. TVAA is funded through voluntary donations and fund raising initiatives are very important in keeping the helicopters flying and assisting at emergencies. The work of TVAA helps to keep motorcyclists safe and the BMW Club Oxford is very pleased to support this charity.
In the 2023 year just past, from the BMW Club Oxford AGM early in November, the club has collected £431.77 for TVAA which is a very good effort. The majority, 86% of the donations were collected during Oxford Motorcycle Riders Meetup rides, well done to the meetup members. The remaining 14% was collected at BMW Club Oxford events. To recognise this achievement The BMW Club Oxford has received a Certificate of Thanks from TVAA:
Thank you to all those who have contributed to TVAA in 2023. We are hoping to exceed the 2023 target in 2024 and collecting is already underway both during Meetup rides and also at BMW Club events. You can track progress from the TVAA thermometer on the home page of the website!
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