A Brat and Proud to be a “Trenchard Brat”. At our Club Meeting at Uffington on 14th February Ian Dobie
gave a talk to members on his past military service. Starting with how Sir Hugh Trenchard envisaged the
expansion and development of the newly formed Royal Air Force in 1919 and
how his vision led to Ian’s own career of 33 years’ service.
From an RAF “Trenchard” Apprenticeship to be an Aircraft Fitter Airframes, through the Non Commissioned
ranks to Commissioning as an Engineering Officer Aero Systems. The challenges of regularly moving units
and RAF Stations as well as countries. Twelve RAF Stations, some twice, 2 Squadrons, a varied range of
aircraft types, desk jobs and technical roles to a final tour as the Commanding Officer of the
Airframe Training Squadron where he started out at 17-years old many years before.
Along with few surprising anecdotes Ian ended with explaining why he was proud to be a “Trenchard Brat”.