By Ian Dobie Social Secretary.
On the 3rd of December Adrian King and John Hillier attended the Reading toy run. For John the toy run, which he has supported for many years , it marks the start of Christmas, at home the tree is down from the loft along with the decorations in their boxes, read to be put up on his return. Motorcycles, scooters, trikes ridden by a great variety of people from back patchers to Gold Wing riders and everybody in between, meet at Shire Hall car park near junction 11 on the M4 on the outskirts of Reading. It is quite amazing the trouble that some people go to to dress their bikes for the run and also their outfits, more Santas and Elves than you could count. The toy run leaves Shire Hall at about 2,00pm heading for the Dr Barnardo’s, High Close Home in Wokingham, a ride of about 6 miles. The public line the route all the way from Reading to Wokingham to see the procession pass by. The event is generally enjoyed an appreciated by people of Wokingham and this time the Lady Mayor of Wokingham rode with us on the back of a trike.
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