Paint Protection System
Author Derek Johnson
For motorcyclists, the purchase of a machine is an important part of the rider’s pleasure and the thought of collecting the new or second-hand bike is a memorable moment whether it is a 125 or 1200 cc bike.
They come in various guises, Street, Sports, Off-road and Touring and can be faired or naked. My preference is for a faired bike as it offers wind and weather protection, whilst adding to the design and looks of the machine.
Having invested in a bike your thoughts often turn to sunny days, riding, touring and keeping it in pristine condition whether it is one or two up.
I recently changed my bike and to help keep it looking good, I decided to purchase a paint protection system using 3M Venture Shield from Tony James who specialise in such products. They came in kit form already cut to the required shape however, not being very DIY comfortable, I decided on using their installation option to get the best finish.
The options they offer cover the painted panels for Street Bikes, Sports bikes and Touring bikes and all the panels are covered with the protective film which is similar but thicker than Cling Film and does not peel off easily. When fitted the supplier suggests not using a high power, Power-Washer and if you do use one then, turn the nozzle pressure down to a more open spray. They also provide a bottle of cleaner to use on the film shield.
The advantage of such paint protection helps guard against stone chip damage, scuffs and scratches to the paint work, thus reducing repairs of stone chips to paintwork and retain the condition of the paint work, which could help maintain the residual value.
For the DIY abled motorcyclist, the kit does come with full fitting instructions, pattern diagram and slippy solution to assist with the installation.
I am intending asking the principal of the firm to attend one of our Winter talks in Uffington next season to expound on the product and benefits of the film. Once fitted it is almost undetectable and the area where you can see the installed film is on the front mudguard as the film is fitted to the leading edge and does not cover the whole mudguard, it resembles a thumb nail at the protruding edge.
It does offer the rider some piece of mind and consolation especially on those roads which have been resurfaced with loose chippings, knowing there is some protection against the chippings being thrown up by leading vehicles and those going in the opposite direction.
Originally posted 2019-03-08 09:38:16.
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