There was a very good turn out at the annual New Year’s day lunch at the Lock, Stock and Barrel Newbury. The warm weather encouraged quite a few to make the trip by bike.

This is always a very popular event and this year there must have been 30+ club members at the event. The pub was certainly pretty full.

On Sunday January 8th we have the Bring and Buy Sale at Uffington starting with food at 13:00, the sale itself starts at 14:00 so if you have things to sell or to acquire come along!
Glad you all ahd a good time, in Newbury.
The Bike looks good…. is it run in yet or would you like me to do it for you?
The K1600 has quite precise running recommendations. The first service is due between 300 miles and 750 miles. I expect I will go for 600 miles as usual, have done 400 so far. The running in limits are hardly a chore as fifth gear would top out at 90 mph. Thanks Bob, I think I will manage OK! Steve