Oxford Section held their AGM at Uffington Village Hall last Sunday. The sunny whether encouraged many members to use their bikes with a good range of machinery on view in the car park.
Dave Hicks and his helpers provided a selection of refreshments, including soup and bacon and sausage rolls to fortify attendees before the start of the meeting. The donations received for the food will go to our chosen charity – Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance Trust.
Fifty three Section members attended the meeting, plus the Club President as a very welcome guest. Being Remembrance Sunday Steve started the meeting with a minutes silence not only to remember the war dead but also to remember our two members who have died this year as a result of motorcycle accidents.
The business of the AGM was completed in a businesslike but friendly manner with plenty of interaction from the floor. Importantly two new committee members were elected: Ian Dobie who will now be our National Committee Representative and Clive Stevens.
After the meeting our Section photography competition was judged. We had two winners: Brian Garforth and John Ottaway who both entered excellent portfolios of photos. Unfortunately Brian was not able to attend the meeting to receive his prize but John was as seen below.
Many thanks to John Broad for providing the photographs in this post, maybe he will enter the competition next year.