There is a proposal for some new ‘bus gates’ in the centre of Oxford. The proposal states:
‘Temporary bus gate proposals are being developed for three locations in Oxford city centre. The exact locations have not yet been decided. It is likely that only bus gates 1 & 2 would be implemented initially; bus gate 3 would be kept under review and may be implemented at a later date.
At the times of day when the bus gates are in operation (currently proposed to be 7.30am to 6.30pm 7 days a week), only the following vehicles would be allowed through them:
- Buses and coaches
- Taxis and private hire vehicles
- Vehicles in which a blue badge holder is travelling
- Disabled tax class vehicles
- Emergency services
We are considering exemptions to allow some residents and businesses access through the bus gates and would like your feedback on this. We need to strike a balance between local access needs and traffic reduction.’
There is an opportunity for you to have your say, and to ask that motorcycles are exempt from the bus gates. This would make sense as motorcycles are a socially distanced, low congestion and low pollution form of transport that hopefully Oxford County Council would try to encourage!
You must complete the survey BEFORE 9th AUGUST, you can access the survey by clicking here. Question 4 allows you to indicate that motorcycles should be exempt:

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