BMW Club Oxford Section Report for October 2017
To celebrate our 50th Anniversary in 2017 organising several social events. Most of these planned events taking place in various restaurant or eating establishments throughout the year.
SNR’s: Oxford section have also introduced Short Notice Rides, these tend to be mid-week events with a day or more notice, which have been very popular.
October 8th – Ride Out Mystery Tour – Ian Dobie
As at the last weekend of September on a club Hotel trip in Sussex the mystery Ride Out I was supposed to be leading on the 8th October was as much a mystery to me as everyone else. Of the 4 possible destinations I had thought of, none had received a particularly enthusiastic reception from discerning consultees. However, an alternative venue was suggested and it looked feasible bearing in mind the vagaries of the English weather at this time of year, more so as the UK was receiving the butt end of several Hurricanes that had devastated so many countries across the Atlantic.
Planning the route on a landranger ordnance survey map was easy. Checking it out proved to be a different story with so many of the kind of roads we like to ride closed in a key area due to road works for utility services upgrades. With most of the diversion signs having been flattened by local farming traffic getting back on track proved either impossible or left one facing yet another diversion.
Perseverance eventually paid off and a reasonable route was established and documented. On the day itself the Sun Inn car park filled up with 14 motorcycles and riders and 4 lady pillions including a visitor friend of Rob Allin and 2 recently joined new members Chris and Maria form Swindon. After the usual “Drop Off “system briefing we headed off to our destination of Tyntesfield House, a National Trust Property south west of Bristol.
This magnificent Gothic revival building was entirely funded by the Gibb family on the fortune they made from shipping Guano (bird poo) from South America back to the UK to be used as fertilizer. On leaving Swindon and as the ride progressed the weather got better and better. The inevitable tractor and trailer hampered progress occasionally for a while but not too long.
Despite the twist and turns down Dauntsey Bank to Christian Malford, Sutton Benger, Stanton-St-Quinton, Grittelton, Yatton Keynell of Wiltshire everybody made the halfway point stop for a leg stretch, regrettably no convenient café, but there are less and less of those around these days. We even tailgated in the layby by a motorist fascinated by a large group of motorcyclists travelling together and who wanted to know who we were and where we were going.
The second half of the ride was more scenic through Belluton, Chew Magna, Winford and Barrow Gurney of North East Somerset and we all arrived safely after 64 miles and with plenty of time to relax over a coffee and something to eat in the on-site café before visiting the house and gardens itself.
Mind you it gave my dining companions a good laugh when a young lady brought my soup and roll accompanied by a knife and fork. I’d still be there now but for the gentlemanly arrival of an appropriate spoon. Everyone seemed to enjoy the ride there, but they’ll give their own views on the house and gardens.
Sunday 22nd October – Skittles Challenge, Western Section vs Oxford – Dave Tomlinson
A merry band of 35+ members made their way to the Old Royal Ship in Luckington, Wiltshire where we were made to feel very welcome by all staff concerned and drinks were rapidly ordered and delivered.
Then came the excellent sausage and chips lunch which was duly delivered piping hot and plenty of it…… excellent news and welcomed by all!
Then out of lunch chaos came the milling of people around the score board, luckily the ladies and Denis soon had things in hand and the bowling started.
Feverish competition together with a lack of bowling skills added to the general banter and humour of the event.
At the finish of the first set of bowling Western Section was narrowly in front, a second set of bowling saw Oxford narrowly edge into the lead overall.
A game of “killer” skittles then followed for a sizeable purse and was gamely won by a member from Wester Section, well done all round and the scene was set for a rematch in 2018…….
Oxford Section Sat Nav Project and Survey
Earlier in the year we announced the start of the Oxford Section Sat Nav Project between the Oxford Section and North Oxford Garage. The aim of the project is to improve our collective knowledge of how to use our Sat Nav’s and to help members get the best from them.
We are busy producing an electronic newsletter, a booklet supported by a local dealer of top 100 tips and the first of a number of workshops in December addressing some of the issues identified by our members.
Drop me a line if you would like an insight into the results
Future Events: November / December
4th November 50th Anniversary Dinner & Disco: Oxford Belfry Hotel, Milton Common, Thame OX9 2JW contact Geoff Clough mail: [email protected]
6th November Oxford Section AGM – Uffington village hall. Food at 12:00; AGM at 14:00.
9th December CHRISTMAS INDOOR MEETING: Uffington village hall, mince pies, cake, etc. Speaker: Nigel Richardson 14.00. Travel Talk mail: [email protected]
10th December Reading Toy Run contact: Chris Bond mail: [email protected]
Don’t forget to make a note of the dates from the trifold calendar that you wish to attend into your diaries and make sure you add in the special 50th events. We will also be updating the website regularly and posting on Facebook.
Here’s to safe riding and some good weather into Autumn.
Dave Tomlinson