BMW Club Oxford Section Report for January 2015

The last of the Christmas dinners at the Sun Inn, superbly organised by Phil & Tracy Carter, proved a great success with, as they posted on the website, “It’s the people that make the party, the food and the ambiance a real bonus. Great night and we made some money for charity!!” Many went away with superb raffle prizes that had been generously donated by Halfords, Infinity Motorcycles, Art Dean Motorcycles, Starbucks and a B&B at the Sun Inn. The evening raised £125 for the Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance; the 2015 charity the section is supporting.
Whilst on the subject of charity events, on the 7th December many members joined the 1800 or so fellow bikers on the Reading Toy Run; apparently setting a new mass ride record, ‘so well done to them all.
On a very sad note I have to inform you that we lost our long time friend and member Sheila Lewis on the night of the 9th December 2014. Many who knew her will have attended her funeral at Salisbury Crematorium on the 5th January.
Getting the New Year off to a cheery start, in spite of the overcast and drizzly weather turning the roads into salty slurry, members helped to fill the Lock, Stock & Barrel in Newbury on the 1st January. Getting out on the bike on the first day of the year is great to blow away the cobwebs after sitting in front of the tele’ for too many hours and gets the oil stirred up in the bike. Many thought the hours of cleaning the salt off afterwards a bit too much though and arrived by car but to be faced with a massive car park charge was not a nice welcome to Newbury.
Bob Mack stirred up some comments on the section facebook page by posting a photograph of his winter mount that seems to have been manufactured by Ho.. Hond …; sorry, I just can’t seem to get the word out but the model is apparently a “Dullville”, according to Dave Shanks! The photograph is of Bob trying to put on his disguise before he left the Christmas do at Uffington on the 14th December 2014!
With Christmas and the New Year celebrations now just a bleary memory it will be interesting to see how many presents were attempted to get moved on at the Bring & Buy sale that took place on the 11the January. Will Geoff’s skill in repairing his flashing jumper’s electrical problems make him want to keep it for next year? The annual transfer of one person’s garage “stuff” to the next keeper is always great fun and makes a small addition to the section funds.
I trust you all found the talk and explanation of just how lubricants have evolved through the ages in the talk by Guy Lachlan on the 8th February of interest. I’ll add a report in the next Journal.
As the natter nights get back into full swing we hope all those members out there who live near to the locations will be able to come along and meet fellow enthusiasts. It is all very friendly and you will be made very welcome, after all, whilst it is good to meet up with old friends, it is always interesting to meet new people.
The annual Sunday Lunch at the Sudbury House Hotel on the 22nd February is definitely recommended. This is especially so since they have refurbished to make the hotel even better. If you haven’t already booked your place with Bob Mack you had better do so soon.
We’ll be back at Uffington on the 8th March for the last of the indoor meetings with a talk on the “World of BMW” touring given by Richard Millington.
The now regular Bournemouth Hotel weekend run by Rob Allin is on the 20th to the 22nd March at the Collingwood Hotel with, at the time I’m writing this, two rooms left. There may be an opportunity to see if any further rooms could be made available and so you should contact Rob Allin if you fancy joining in the fun at the seaside.
Looking further ahead Rob and Marion Allin are planning a trip to northern Spain from the 1st to the 12th September; again, give Rob a ring if you are interested in joining them.
Since producing the excellent tri-fold diary, the Isle of Wight long weekend is now finalised as the 25th to the 28th September and not as shown as being in October. The Keates Green Hotel at Shanklin has offered us a special rate for the 3 days that includes the ferry crossing; ‘so get your name down soon.
That’s all for now folks!
John L Broad
Nice bike….
Excellent write up John ..
Looking forward to an eventful riding year !!