BMW Club Oxford Section Report for November 2019
November 17thOxford section AGM – Dave Tomlinson
The AGM seems to come around so quickly these days, it was a beautiful riding day, the rain had stopped and the sun was out, so I took the opportunity to take “Helga” my faithful K16 on the hours ride to Uffington on a cross country route, lovely!!
Roughly half of the 40 + members who attended the AGM, also took the opportunity to take their bikes, it was really wonderful to see so many of our friends, old and new turn up for the event.
Culinary expertise was much in evidence with bacon butties, mince pies, soup and of course hot drinks, My eternal thanks to the kitchen and organisational teams that make it all possible David & Rosemary hicks, John Broad, Dave Shanks amongst the many that put so much hard work into the club…..
Our thanks also to the retiring members of the committee this year including Dr Steve Moxey and Carl Flint, thank you for all your hard work, it is greatly appreciated.
Our new “draft” 2020 calendar was also much in evidence, together with an SNR ride out “ideas” document for 2020. Hopefully a new SNR (Short Notice Ride” initiative is currently being worked on with a view to launching in April, for those lucky members who are able to take advantage of during the week ride out destinations…. Watch this space!
November 14th Ride Out Stourhead Gardens – Tim Bolderston & Steve Moxey
We managed to grab a dry clear day for a rideout to Stourhead, thanks to Dave Tomlinson and Steve Moxey setting up an SNR a couple of days ago. The gardens at this time of year can have striking autumn colours, but it is a competition between the cold and the wind as to how many leaves colour up and how many are blown down. Is that Neptune wanting to join the Club? Nevertheless there were still some excellent vistas, and Steve led us around a mini tour of the region on our way to the Bath Arms and lunch including an unexpected detour to avoid road works.
We had a good SNR to Stourhead today, organised by Dave Tomlinson, to see the last of the Autumn colour. One advantage of the end of the season is that the crowds are much reduced but Stourhead is still very beautiful, see photos. We then adjourned to the Bath Arms for lunch (unfortunately Dave had to leave early). It was very good to meet Graham Welch, a new member, who has a very nice deep navy R1250RS. Thanks to everyone for their company and a good day out
November 20thNEC Motorcycle Live – Steve Moxey
It was good to see many Oxford members at Motorcycle Live! Yesterday. I think the strangest bike we saw was the electric Harley Davidson, it certainly didn’t sound like a Harley they will need to get the sound system working for road use! Catherine and I had some new Ultimate Ear plugs made at the show – it’s good value as the impressions are free and you will get a 10% BMW Club discount. Many thanks to Dave Tomlinson for a good day out.
TVAA, Life Saving Ap – Dave Tomlinson
I am very grateful to John Broad for bringing the Thames Valley Air Ambulance 3 Words Save Lives (using What3Words) to my attention. Basically, this little app, which you can download onto your phone, will give your 3M x 3M position square in three words X.Y.Z which you can then give to the emergency services. This could easily be a life saver if you need help away from a landmark and is MUCH easier than quoting gps coordinates! It is also quite good fun for instance the What3Words square for the BBQ on Sunday at Postern Hill is ‘trucks.worksheet.widely’ – although hopefully we won’t need TVAA…… For more information and to download the app see
Sat Nav Event – Steve Moxey
BMW Navigator V,VI Top Tips guides available so that members can get a copy for a £5 donation to Thames Valley Air Ambulance and £1.50 postage, a very good cause to support
Future Events: October 2019 / December 2019
December 8th– Christmas Indoor Meeting Uffington Village Hall
January 1st– New Year Day Social– Lock, Stock & Barrel, 104 Northbrook Street, Nr the Wharf, Newbury, RG14 1AA from 12.00.
January 12th– Bring & Buy Sale: Uffington Village Hall, SN7 7RA; Food available & Seller set up from 13.00. Sale starts at 14.00
February 9th– INDOOR MEETING:Uffington village hall, SN7 7RA, soup & food, Speaker: Katy Eyton 14.00. Thames Valley Air Ambulance [email protected]
February 24th– Southern Section vs Oxford Section Challenge Dave Tomlinson [email protected]
March 8th– Indoor Meeting: Uffington Village Hall, SN7 7RA. Speaker Andrew Slater 14.00 from Thames Valley Advanced Motorcyclists [email protected]
March 22nd– Sunday Lunch: Hongxin Chinese, Pepper Box Hill, Peatmoor, Swindon SN5 5EZ. 12.00 for 12.30, Martin Skennerton [email protected]
April 10th– RIDE OUT: Charity Berkshire Egg Run, meet at Sainsburys RG31 7SA J12 M4 John Hillier [email protected]
April 19th– RIDE OUT:tbc Dave [email protected]
Don’t forget to make a note of the dates from the trifold calendar that you wish to attend into your diaries, we will also be updating the website regularly and posting on Facebook.
Here’s to safe riding and some good weather.
Dave Tomlinson
or check the website at
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