Oxford Meetup® Rides(OMR) in support of Thames Valley Air Ambulance (TVAA)
by Dave Tomlinson
What we have done is to come up with a new way of organising rideouts using both new social media and the existing methods of communication. Because we are using Meetup® we have called them Oxford Meetup® Rides (OMR for short). Anyone can join Meetup® for free and sign up for the new rideouts. which will also be advertised by Rosemary’s emails.
Oxford Meetup® Rides (OMR) give you: –
- Without changing the existing weekend rideouts, more mid week riding on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
- Rideout dates listed 3 months ahead, with routes for information / download
- Rideouts of short duration – 80 miles: Coffee before 10.00; start at 10.30; leg stretch 11.45; lunch (café/pub) approx. 12.45. Disperse for fast route home 14.00 – 14.30.
- Routes posted prior to ride on Meetup® using MyRoute-app (a social route building app https://www.myrouteapp.com ) for members information that is easy to use, where the route is saved as a gpx 1.0 file that can be loaded onto a navigation device, if desired.
- A Meetup® website that can be accessed using a PC or a smartphone app.
- Full details in Meetup® of members attending, meeting and finishing points, names of hosts, photos of leaders and riders, RSVP details, bad weather check, personal responsibilities on ride, drop-off (corner man) and buddy system info and public comments.
- Automatic emails generated by Meetup® with confirmations and reminders.
As a result, we have planned two midweek rides per month. This will be in aid of TVAA, so a collection “tin” will be present during the day for any contributions and please donate as generously as you feel able to.
We also have a supply of stickers which advertise the section and Meetup® events, for those joining any of the rideouts.
The rideouts are all hosted by the Meetup® group BMW Club Oxford Motorcycle Riders and we will continue to promote them as group events:
- Word of Mouth
- Uffington Indoor Meeting Presentations
- Section Facebook Page
- Section Website
- Geoff”s member emails
- Liaison with North Oxford Garage (NOG) & Bahnstormer, and their customers
- Sharing the Meetup® app with Southern & Western Sections
- National Section Facebook and Webpages
- Welcoming guests who ride with us, with a view to joining the club
For more information about the Meetup® app, see the links below:
Sign up: https://secure.meetup.com/register
Join The Group: https://www.meetup.com/BMW-Club-Oxford-Motorcycle-Riders
Proposed Rideouts: https://www.meetup.com/BMW-Club-Oxford-Motorcycle-Riders/events/268149009/
More Info: https://help.meetup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002860732-How-do-I-sign-up-for-a-Meetup-account-
Hope to see you on a rideout soon, safe riding in 2020
Dave Tomlinson
Originally posted 2020-03-27 18:59:45.