Author: bolderz
Product Review – Tool Kit
Toolkits for Touring and Trips Most modern bikes come with very limited toolkits on-board, not enough even to deal with minor difficulties such as a loose mirror. This article has a look at the toolkits…
Bahnstormer 10th at Maidenhead
A good turnout at Maidenhead with the forecourt crammed with people and bikes, not to mention the interior. Three of the older models kept from new by BMW and released recently were on display with…
Biker Down course in Oxford
Thursday evening saw another run through the Biker Down course from the Oxfordshire Fire Service, arranged by John Broad especially for the Oxford Section. Twelve BMW members turned up at the Slade fire station and…
Ride-in to the Oxford Section BBQ 7 Aug
The Oxford Section BBQ will be running once again in the Savernake Forest on Sunday 7th August, with the Section providing the basics and members bringing along extra goodies. To add some motorcycling to the…
Ride-in to Bahnstormer Touring Event 23 April
Bahnstormer are hosting a Touring Event in association with the Oxford Section of the BMW Club. The Club event starts with a rideout from the Dashwood Arms at Piddington, HP14 3BH. The Dashwood Arms will…
RIDE OUT: Watercress Line, Sun 13 Sep
Despite having a few members away in France and Spain this weekend we had a great turnout at the Waterfront Cafe of 20 motorcycles from vintage to the very latest. The forecast rain stayed away…
RIDE OUT: Watercress Line, Sun 13 Sep
RIDE OUT: Watercress Line. Meet at the Waterfront Cafe, A4074, Benson, OX10 6SJ on Sunday 13 September at 09.30 for a 10.00 start (ride leader Tim Bolderston 07588 713317). It was originally billed as a…
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