Hello everybody,
John Broad has sent some pics for you to enjoy.
The Oxford Section BBQ in the Savernake Forrest was another great success, for the Section, and a record turnout of over 85.
The weather was kind to us again without being too hot.
Thanks to all of you who came and supported us either by organising a ride out, helping on the day, delivering essential equipment, bringing scrumptious goodies to eat or just simply turning up and joining in.
Special thanks to Rosemary and David for using up there spare time to go shopping, for the main ingredients, and to Dave Hawkins for bringing his tea making equipment and doing the early shift to secure our pitch.
All the cooks who did a great job as usual, thanks to them as well.
I could go on but it will embarrass those that helped make it a success but they know who they are so a big thanks all round.