BMW Club Annual General Meeting 2017


Hear Ye! Hear Ye!…… The BMW club annual general meeting held in Tavistock opened with a rousing oration from the Town’s Cryer.

Just over 120 members battled through the near perfect weather to attend the meeting. Oxford section fielded 21 members, a good turn out considering the distance traveled, only being eclipsed by the South Western section with a count of 32, but not surprising as they were hosting the event.

Much of the business was routine and passed unanimously without incident. Then we got to the point in the proceedings of voting for a new president, to say that the preliminaries prior to the vote were without incident would be unfair, but you had to have been there to enjoy the entertainment that it provided. For those of you not present, you will have to find out for yourselves what took place. Nevertheless, once the air had cleared, the proceedings continued to the vote.

The good news is that:-

Ian Dobie was elected as the new BMW club president on a vote of 63.

Cliff Batley was a strong runner up with a vote of 54.

We now have a new BMW Club President with his own vision for how to move the club forward. I hope you will all congratulate Ian on his achievement and give him your full support.

P.S. With Ian’s promotion to the post of club president, his position as our section’s National Committee Representative is now vacant. This is a mandatory position which must be filled. We are therefore seeking a willing volunteer from among our members to fill this vacancy. Please give it some thought.


Author: Ian J Hartley