The BMW Club National AGM will take place this year in Blackburn on 27th April. The purpose of this post is to help Oxford section members to ‘HAVE YOUR SAY’ at the AGM. Some of you may be planning to attend the AGM itself, which is great. More details on how to attend are contained on the BMW Club UK Website, please follow the link.
The second option is to make use of your proxy vote. This is the third year that the BMW Club has implemented proxy voting for the AGM and the system has improved and it is now quite easy to do. (Dik Langan BMW Club Technology Officer has done a lot of work in a short time to get everything ready. Many thanks Dik!).
Complete your Proxy Vote in THREE Steps to ‘Have Your Say’!
- Review the BMW Club AGM papers provided for the AGM
The two documents you need to download and read are (a) the AGM Booklet with reports and (b) the BMW Club Accounts. This is just the same information you would have if you arrived at the AGM itself. If you have any questions it might be a good idea to talk to your fellow members or consult with any of the Oxford committee who would be pleased to help. Please follow these links for the AGM BOOKLET and BMW CLUB ACCOUNTS.
- Read the Proxy Voting instructions – this is important as you want your vote to be accepted!
- Complete the Proxy Voting Form and Either POST it to the National Membership Secretary or EMAIL it to the National Membership Secretary (cheaper and quicker) by 25th April!
Once you have filled in your proxy form just email it to the National Membership Secretary at [email protected] . If you wish to post please send the form to The BMW Club – Membership Secretary, 7 Pintail Grove, Kidderminster, DY10 4RT. Proxy Forms must arrive no later than 11.30 a.m. on Thursday 25th April, 2024.
When emailing the proxy form we recommend that you .bcc Ian Dobie since he will be at the AGM and can hopefully make sure that your vote has been received. Ian’s email is [email protected].
Associates can also vote using the proxy form they will need to complete their own form using their associate membership number which usually ends in A. When finished just email the completed proxy voting form to the National Membership Secretary as above.
We hope you enjoy the chance to Have Your Say in the running of the BMW Club at the AGM in person or by Proxy Voting, your feedback will be important in helping the club to move in the right direction. If you have any further questions you are welcome to continue discussion about the AGM on the BMW Club Oxford Facebook Group or please email Geoff Clough the Oxford Section Membership Secretary with any questions.
Best wishes, BMW Club Oxford Committee.
- Review the BMW Club AGM papers provided for the AGM