Category: Other
Biker Down on TV
I’ve just been catching up on post holiday TV and came across a piece on the Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service’s Biker Down Course. Some of us have already taken advantage of Johns Broads efforts…
Biker Down Workshop 4th Feb 2016
Thanks to John Broad, some of us were able to join this extremely valuable workshop organised, on this occasion, for our section. There will be others. As space is limited it is important to claim…
Race Retro 2015
Had a last minute invitation to Race Retro today. Thought it would be rude not to go especially as the weather promised to be quite good. Not many bikes there this year and no BMWs…
Cassington Bike Night Photos
The Cassingston Bike Night was a great success, more than 10,000 bikes attended and we recruited some new members 10-13+ associates and one for Western section! Martin Ritchie and the Cassington organising committee did a…
Wantage in Autumn Just to Cheer You all Up
Wont be long……….ho ho Only kidding?
Get better soon Geoff
Last news, I heard, is that Geoff should be home on Sunday and tucked up in the warmth and comfort of his own home. Hopefully he’ll soon be back to his happy smiling self soon.
Changing the Brake Fluid on Power Brake Systems
The impression most people have is that this job must be done by a dealer……………not so if you are up to bleeding conventional brakes you can cope with this job……….the most difficult part is fiddling…
BMWOXFORD Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-01
via @gsa70: I think it's following you now # via @gsa70: morning….seems to be working Bob # via @gsa70: you sort of answered that before I asked # via @gsa70: so presumbably we could also…
BMWOXFORD Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-25
“@BMWMOA: Start Seeing Motorcycles – BEFORE You Hit Them” the US approach! #
BMWOXFORD Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-18
via @gsa70: David has turned the catering into an art form. Hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. Waitress service was good as well. # via @drdrsteve: ride in at Uffington #…