Oxford Meetup Rides – Briefing points
This is an outline of the information for sharing at pre-ride briefings:
The Ride Leader and Sweeper should wear distinctive Hi Viz vests
The Ride Leader and the Sweeper should introduce themselves to the group and the leader carry out a full briefing to everyone to:
- Confirm the essential details of the route, stops and final destination.
- Explain the Drop Off or Buddy System.
- If using the Drop Off System ascertain if anyone has not experienced this and deal with this appropriately.
- Establish with the group that overtaking within the group is not permitted.
- Brief all participants to ride at their own pace. If using the drop Off system emphasise that all junctions turns will be marked by a rider.
- State clearly that you, as leader, will be adhering to all speed limits and traffic laws and that it is their responsibility to do so as well.
- Remind participants to be considerate of all other road users and local residents particularly if passing through small and isolated villages.
- Mention any particular hazards along the route such as very narrow roads or unfenced moorland roads
- Advise the group that any participant that wishes to leave the group at any time should advise you as Ride Leader or the Sweeper of their intention to do so.
- If the ride out is to conclude at the chosen destination advise participants that they should make their own arrangements for the return journey to their homes.
- Check for understanding and any questions.
- Confirm all attendees have completed the Contact list.
This information has already been published on the Meetup event page.
- Contact mobile numbers for the leader and sweeper.
- All proposed stops en-route.
- Key points of the proposed route and final destination by GPS or Post Code