BMW Club Oxford Section Report for September 2017

To celebrate our 50th Anniversary in 2017 organising several social events. Most of these planned events taking place in various restaurant or eating establishments throughout the year.
SNR’s: Oxford section have also introduced Short Notice Rides, these tend to be mid-week events with a day or more notice, which have been very popular.
19th John Ottaway Sorebutts Rally
A smashing time had at the camping rally with the Western Section . Really happy with all the arrangements . Ride outs / bingo/ raffle/ BBQ/ booze ..with plenty of laughter. You have to come along next year !
27th: Steve Moxey – Nuffield Place
We met up at the Waterfront Cafe for a ride to Nuffield Place to look at arrangements for a club event in 2018 and then off to the Crown Inn at Pishill for lunch, which was very nice a total of 8.7 miles, Thanks to Tim, Jill and Andy for coming to the Crown Inn, it was good to see Bob at the Waterfront Cafe. We think SNRs with a lunch destination could be a good idea so if you know any good pubs or cafes for lunch this is your chance to organise an SNR
September 10th – Ride Out Wessex Wanderings
Thanks to Andrew Byatt for organising a great round Wiltshire ride out, with White Horses on view. The weather gradually deteriorated but did not spoil the day. We had a great route and we’re very well fed and watered. We saw some interesting parts of Wiltshire and the ride would be worth repeating during good weather. Andy did a very good job of leading and managing the ride
Friday 29th September – Weekend away to Rye – Dave Shanks
A merry band of members made their way to the American Diner to meet up for the Rye Weekend, after a refreshing coffee off we went to the hotel in Peasmarsh via an excellent route designed and led by Dave Shanks – a superb effort.
Other members then started to arrive separately from all over the area and gathered for pre dinner drinks in the bar. An entertaining evening ensued meeting both new and old friends.
The following day it started a little showery, and as usual various trips had been organised. The group I was with had decided to visit the Battle of Britain memorial near Folkestone. Great parking and a warm welcome saw us looking around the extensive site with replica aircraft on display. Eventually the café beckoned so we went to the first floor to enjoy the now sunny weather. As we were sitting there, a lone Spitfire fly over the site, turned around and gave us a victory roll as it left – amazing…..
Again a few members then went onto other sites of interest whilst a small group made their way to the narrow gauge railway at Dymchurch where a train ride for some to Dungeness ensued. Others rode to Dungeness for a superb fish lunch in a roadside café – wonderful.
To be continued:
Oxford Section Sat Nav Project and Survey
Earlier in the year we announced the start of the Oxford Section Sat Nav Project between the Oxford Section and North Oxford Garage. The aim of the project is to improve our collective knowledge of how to use our Sat Nav’s and to help members get the best from them.
We have completed the survey with some interesting findings and will meet on the 7th to compile an action plan to assist our members e.g. training, help guides, Q&A forum amongst other ideas.
Drop me a line if you would like an insight into the results
Future Events: October / November
8th October Ride Out: Mystery Tour start 9.30am at the Sun Inn, Swindon contact Ian Dobie mail: [email protected]
22nd October Skittles Challenge: Western Section vs Oxford. The Old Royal Ship, Luckington, Wiltshire SN14 6PA contact Dennis Bradbeer mail: [email protected]
4th November 50th Anniversary Dinner & Disco: Oxford Belfry Hotel, Milton Common, Thame OX9 2JW contact Geoff Clough mail: [email protected]
Don’t forget to make a note of the dates from the trifold calendar that you wish to attend into your diaries and make sure you add in the special 50th events. We will also be updating the website regularly and posting on Facebook.
Here’s to safe riding and some good weather.
Dave Tomlinson.
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