We have been making great progress in our charity collection for Thames Valley Air Ambulance in 2024. Based on our latest information we have already exceeded our 2024 goal of £450 :-).
So far we have collected a total of £658.60 for TVAA and we are only in June still five months to go before the club AGM and the end of our year. Of the £658.60 collected £547.21 (83%) came from the Oxford Meetup Riders (a very charitable bunch of people), £61.39 (9%) from the BMW Club Oxford activities and £50.00 (8%) from a single donation from a very generous club member!
We have set the thermometer on the webpage to our new total of £658.60 and will update it as new collections are made. This looks to be a very good year idea for charitable collections for TVAA and as they are entirely funded by donations we need to continue the good work. Thank you to all the generous BMW Club Oxford members and supporters who have made donations already in 2024. Please keep up the good work☺️.