In response to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, the club plans to make further use of the Meetup website. We have been using it for organising midweek rides and introducing other BMW riders to the benefits of club membership. This 2nd private Meetup group is for exclusive use of BMW Club Oxford members only. This club member-only site, will list: weekend rideouts, monthly social gatherings, biking events and occasional hotel breaks. If you are already a Meetup member then this link will take you to the group page:
On Sunday (March 28th) we will publish details of this season’s 1st weekend rideout, which is to the Shuttleworth Collection on May 30th. Other events will follow.
As we emerge from the Covid-19’s dark days we really want to embrace Summer 2021 and beyond. Meetup will help us to manage the changes for organising group rides that the pandemic has forced upon us.
Meetup is an integrated system for: listing, booking, messaging, cancelling, updating events. It will bring everything together in one, visible-to-all space. It helps make event planning much easier and we can offer more and better events to our members.
The benefits to BMW Club members include:
• Notification of new events immediately via Meetup auto messaging
• Booking your place online and receiving immediate confirmation
• Joining waitlists on-line, automatically moved forward as vacancies occur
• Easily cancelling a previous booking if your circumstances change
• Know who is the lead and tail for each rideout
• Receive a route file for each ride to download to your own satnav
• Information on food available at destination
• See on the attendance list who else is coming
• Easily contact ride leader and other riders using Meetup Messaging or Comments section on event page to ask questions about the event
• View our planning guidelines for organising rideouts
• Read our ‘Bike Safe’ good practice guide for group riding
Using our private Meetup group page is another resource to help achieve our goal of “RIDE Together”.
In addition to making more use of the Meetup booking system for rideouts, the traditional system of manual notification and registration will remain available. It should be made clear, that members who cannot or will not use Meetup for some reason, will have a bespoke system to enable participation in all events
If you are not yet a club member, see: We are delighted to welcome new members to the Club.
As before, non-club members who joined the “BMW Club Oxford Motorcycle Riders” (Group 1) Meetup group continue to be very welcome on mid-week rides to experience club membership.
If you are a Club member already in Group 1, click on and request to join.
If you are a Club member who has not yet enrolled on Meetup then the following may help with joining:
1. 3rd party websites:
2. Oxford Club website:
3. Phone assistance on 0797 480 5012
4. On-line help at: ; :
5. Members of the Meetup team will bring along laptops/tablets to Pub Socials to help people join up.
6. A Zoom Social hosted by Geoff Clough will be arranged in April to help members with the joining process.
7. There are a large number of Club members who have already joined Meetup, ask them for advice on signing up.
8. Contact any one of the Meetup team, who are: Geoff Clough, Tim Bolderston, Dave Tomlinson, Steve Moxey and James O’Shea.
9. Once you have joined the main Meetup site: then click on: and request to join this group.