Meet the BMW R1300 GSA With Shaun Napier, Bahnstromer

At our regular Sunday Uffington meeting on 9th February we were delighted to have a presentation by Shaun Napier of Bahnstormer on the new BMW R1300GSA. Shaun also rode to Uffington on a fantastic R1300GSA…

Reading Toy Run Report

On the 1st of December it was the Reading Toy Run, for me the toy run is beginning of Christmas. At home the tree was down from the loft, the reindeer had been placed on…

Pub Social at the Fox & Hounds on Wednesday 27 November

We have probably all seen some snow in the past few days. Just a reminder that winter is coming. Why not join us for some warm cheer at the Fox & Hounds, Theale, RG7 4BE…

Pub Social based at The Vine, Cumnor 13th November 2024

Whatever the weather, you are always sure of a warm welcome at our Pub Social based at The Vine, Cumnor, OX2 9QN. Starting around 7pm this is your chance to contemplate our Christmas Meal planned…

BMW Club Oxford November Events and October Review

By Geoff Clough Membership Secretary, BMW Club Oxford.                It’s not trick or treat! The picture of Skittles is a reminder of our recent match v Western Section, of which…

October Ride Report – REME Museum

The weather was cool but clear for our Ride Out on 13 October. In all 10 riders attended the Three Trees Café for excellent refreshments and conversation before we set off around 11:00 in pursuit…

Meetup Ride Report: Peartree Services to Ironbridge Saturday 11th May 2024

In a change to the usual midweek ride format, Andy led this ride on Saturday 11th May to the historic Shropshire town of Ironbridge, often described as the “Birthplace of the Industrial Revolution”. With the…

BMW Club UK AGM 2024 – Have Your Say!

The BMW Club National AGM will take place this year in Blackburn on 27th April. The purpose of this post is to help Oxford section members to ‘HAVE YOUR SAY’ at the AGM. Some of…

Thursday 20th January – Meet Up Ride Triumph 1902 Cafe

It all started well, the temperature outside was -1 so a delayed start allowed the temperature to rise significantly to +3 degrees, getting my heated jacket on this morning… We were meeting at the Starbucks…

The View From the Top

  I have struggled this time around to find that inspiration required to write a positive and informative piece. The recent discovery of a new covid variant “Omicron” has just thrown yet another unknown into…