By Geoff Clough Membership Secretary, BMW Club Oxford.
It’s not trick or treat! The picture of Skittles is a reminder of our recent match v Western Section, of which more later…
Pub Socials coming up in November from 7pm (except Theale 7:30ish):
6th The Leathern Bottle, Lewknor, OX49 5TW
13th The Vine Inn, Cumnor, OX2 9QN
27th Fox & Hounds, Theale, RG7 4BE
28th Rose & Crown, Charlton, OX17 3DP
Our Indoor Meetings start on Sunday 17th November at Uffington Village Hall, SN7 7RA with our AGM.
Food will be available from 13:00 and the AGM starts at 14:00. Please come along to support your Section with any ideas or questions that you may have.
OCTOBER REVIEW (or what you may have missed)
The weather was cool but clear for our Ride Out on 13 October. In all, 10 riders attended the Three Trees Café for excellent refreshments and conversation before we set off around 11:00 in pursuit of Ian Dobie, our Leader for the day. I acted as sweeper and the drop-off system worked a treat.
The excellent route prepared by Ian took us initially to Marlborough, which was very busy with cars trying to park in the centre. Once clear of the town, we made good progress along the A4 westwards. The route then looped up onto the Wessex Downs along some quiet roads before dropping down towards Devizes. We cantered along the main road towards Avebury before rejoining the A4 westwards once more. Nearing Calne, we struck off cross-country through a delightful selection of villages heading for Lyneham and the REME Museum.
The Museum Café was warm and welcoming and not too busy. Food came promptly and good conversation rounded off our Ride Out before visiting the Museum and wending our individual ways home. A grand day out indeed.
Ah yes – back to the Skittles…
On 20th October after a very wet and windy journey along the M4, Marion Allen and I were the first arrivals. The skittle alley was set up as usual and we managed to park ourselves on the end of the Western Section table! Sausages and chips were served about 1pm and then we got down to business. The skill levels varied immensely. Individual scores varied from 0 to 9 and everything in between. After two rounds of competition, the scores were almost evenly matched. Western Section just edged the overall win by 3 (if my defective memory serves).
Time was rapidly moving on, so a single round of Killer started, but Marion and I headed home at that point. It was good to catch up with our friends from Western Section yet again. Good banter throughout and as far as I can tell, a good time was had by all. Roll on next year when we hope to bowl over the opposition!
Don’t forget to book up for the Christmas Meals at your favourite Pub Social. Menus and booking instructions are given in the attached flyers that I have sent to all members by email.
There will soon be news about a Welsh Hotel Weekend in June 2025 and two trips to France in September 2025. Watch this space!
Many thanks for reading down to this point.
That’s all for now folks
Best wishes
Geoff Clough
Oxford Membership Secretary
The BMW Club is the trading name of The BMW Motorcycle Club Ltd. A company limited by guarantee,
Registered in England, registration Number 4261129. VAT No 344 5870 40
Registered Office: c/o. BMF Head Office, Mallory Park Circuit, Church Road, Kirkby Mallory, Leicestershire, LE9 7QE
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