Chairman’s Welcome – Derek Johnson


Chairman’s Welcome or Welcome Chairman

It is approximately 23 years since I was first elected onto the Oxford Section committee, initially as a committee member, then NCM rep and later as Section Secretary before I supported Brian Culver in the role of assistant National Treasurer. On his retirement I then became the National Club Treasurer and was on the working party, which determined that an incorporated the BMW Club UK Limited was the best route forward for the club in order to protect officers and members from any potential claims.

During that time, and whilst I was the National Treasurer, we saw the membership grow to 6,500 members and the accumulated reserves also rise to a position which I referred to as our “comfort cushion”. This is probably a far cry from the expected results of the BMW Club for the year ended 30th September 2017 when I am expecting the accumulated reserves to have fallen below the level achieved before the Club incorporated, amounting to approximately £135K. With falling membership and unchecked expenses and costs this is a slippery slope, which we will all need to work hard to reverse, the Oxford Section will have an important role.

However, looking to the future I am pleased to say that I have taken the plunge into new technology and ordered a new BMW Navigator 6 and look forward to learning more about the equipment to ‘maximise my motorcycling’!

Recently I was invited to carry out an important full time job (see the accompanying photograph), which does allow me some spare time to enjoy one of my hobbies.

The two helpers in the photograph are my grandchildren, who I am pleased to say, did not recognise that “Ra Ra” was hiding in the costume. I also have to confess that Santa has looked very kindly on me with a new present being delivered before Christmas.

When at NOG I am always looking to recruit new members and I firmly believe in starting them young!

In closing, and on behalf of your entire Oxford committee including myself as the newbie, we hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and a good motorcycling year in 2018.


Derek G Johnson



Author: bobmack70