The ‘Fluffy’ Side of BMW Ownership
As the title would suggest, the article on this occasion is not about motorcycles or directly about The BMW Club, but does have an indirect connection with the Oxford Section. One of our members, Andy Lawson, has another passion other than motorcycles and enjoys fly fishing. Andy has been fishing since he was a boy, recently qualified as a game angling coach and supports a charity called Fishing For Life.
Fishing For Life gives people suffering, recovering and living with breast cancer the opportunity to go fly fishing. The groups all meet monthly where qualified instructors give their time to teach the members to fly fish. As well as learning to fly fish, knot tying, entomology, fly tying and conservation are all included in the program. Meetings are usually a couple of hours on a Sunday morning and each session is concluded with refreshments. The sessions are free, and the equipment is supplied. Families and partners are welcome to come along and support, but the fishing is just for the members. Everyone is welcome to the refreshments at the end of the session.
You may wonder, why fly fishing and breast cancer? Well, fly fishing and the casting action, provides gentle and relaxing exercise, particularly for those who have undergone surgery or going through treatment. There’s also the relaxing environment and atmosphere too, which “refreshes the soul” as one member has said. New friendships are made with likeminded people and it is a time to relax and have some special ME time.
If you know of anyone who is unfortunately having to go through the experience of or recovering from breast cancer, then please consider referring them to the web page shown below. There’s detail about the charity, how it was set up, where they meet and contact details.
Originally posted 2018-03-19 17:34:12.