We promised to draw two prize winners from the respondents who completed the June 2020 Newsletter Survey. Our Club President Ian Dobie came up with two Beanies as prizes and all that remained was to pull two names out of the lucky hat.
The first name to be drawn was Sue Shorten. When I contacted Sue with the news she said ‘Oh that’s great news and thanks, but that is a turn up for the books for I never win anything.’ Sue does not have her own motorbike and rides pillion with her husband Dave.
The second name to be drawn was Dave Shanks. When I contacted Dave with the news he said ‘that is a turn up for the books, I had forgotten I had completed the survey!’
Both of the winners were great sports in agreeing to meet up to have a formal handover of the prizes. We met up at the Pear Tree Services and below Sue can be seen accepting her Beanie.

Of course the handover was done observing strict social distancing and look who is holding the long pole with Beanie, our Dave!

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