News from your Secretary, Geoff Clough
Section AGM on 4th November
- 38 members present.
- The Treasurer reported a surplus of £103 compared with a deficit for the prior year of £1,117 (which was mostly due to 50th Anniversary expenditure).
- Section reserves totalled £3,824.
- Membership numbers were down by 7% at 333. Nationally numbers were below 3,000.
- Recruitment and retention of members is key. A try before you buy scheme will be developed. A survey to establish what members want should be developed.
- The 2018 Calendar contained a wide variety of events. We are very grateful for all the volunteers who made this possible.
Details of our new Committee are shown on the Section website here
Our thanks go to Ian Hartley, Wendy Ottaway, Noel Robertson, John Russ and David Shanks who have now left the Committee for all their support.
We welcome Carl Flint who joins the Committee.
Committee meeting held on 9 December
- The level of Section Reserves should be a minimum of one year’s income approx. £1,500. Ideas for utilising surplus reserves on mainly capital projects were discussed.
- Recruitment and retention of members is key. We need to research what existing and potential members want from the club. A survey should be developed.
- The Calendar of Events for 2019 is now ready for publication.
The Section is represented at the National Club level and the next Committee meeting will be arranged in January to discuss what motions could be put to the National AGM. - The layout and content of the Section Web pages will be reviewed to see how they could be made friendlier and more welcoming.
Originally posted 2018-12-19 19:06:23.