2 thoughts on “Plas Menai weekend

  1. Great photo, looks like you all had a good time, reminds me of a song it does, you lot going to Wales and on….

    “Old mountainous Wales, paradise of the bard,
    Every valley, every cliff, to my look is beautiful.
    Through patriotic feeling, so charming is the murmur
    Of her brooks, rivers, to me.”

    Brian .. I’m more than a number…

  2. Note to photographer ….On Great photo.
    1) Helmets ‘on’. OR. Helmets ‘off ‘
    2) Tallest on the left,shortest on the right
    3) ‘Huddle ‘…girls to the front Etc etc

    Looks to me like ‘The Dirty Dozen …and a half ‘. Ha ha

    Only joking …..as heard you all had a wonderful time .Shame i had to miss it, not jealous …not me !! Baaaahh.
    Ps . Brian ..Your number 2 …. ‘cuckoo’

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