BMW Club Oxford Section Report for March 2016
Global Warming, more like Global wetting if the last month has been anything to go by! The weather didn’t stop the section having fun though.
The 14th of February had us back at Uffington Village Hall where a packed assembly were entertained by Nigel Adcock relating the trials and tribulations of travelling the Annapurna Trail on a hired Royal Enfield. His photographs of the wonders of Kathmandu were of course tinged with sadness as many of the historic buildings have since been destroyed in the recent earthquake. Nigel described how the tour was run with helpers, guides and a back up vehicle just in case the chap who seemed to be able to repair anything couldn’t. His description of the first ride to get used to the roads and traffic through Kathmandu sounded like a make or break decision process, but he came through safely. As the trip unfolded Nigel found out many of the detail intricacies the native drivers used to keep traffic flowing but it all sounded slightly dodgy to many of the audience. Finishing with on board camera views of some parts of the rough tracks that purported to be main roads had a few gasps from those watching from the comfort of a chair in the village hall. As to the Royal Enfield, I think Nigel summed the bike up very well in saying it is designed for the terrain with ease of maintenance and repair and as such proved well up to the job. Our thanks go to Nigel for a very interesting talk.
The annual Section Sunday Lunch took place at the excellent Sudbury House Hotel, Faringdon on the 21st February; well organised by Bob Mack. Around 50 members and guests enjoyed the food and were then “entertained” (?) by our chairman, Steve Moxey with a resume of activities and how we can look forward to a good future for the section. To round the event off a raffle ably run by Geoff Clough with assistants produced the usual amusing banter. The good news being of course that £161.44 was raised for the Air Ambulance.
According to the weather people today, as I write this on the first of March, is officially spring, but you could have fooled me! This does make us think about rides though and to tempt some with ideas of travels farther afield our own John Ottaway will describe his “Grand European Tour” at the last of the indoor meetings at Uffington on the 13th March.
The 1st to the 3rd April should see some hardy members keeping warm in the Bournemouth Hotel weekend. Let us hope it isn’t snowing then.
By the 10th of April we should be getting some decent weather and Geoff Clough will be leading members down to the Toddington railway centre. There might be a whole bunch of classic cars to see as well as the fine steam engines.
On the subject of touring around there is the big event at Bahnstormer, Maidenhead where a special BMW Touring day is planned in conjunction with the Oxford Section on the 23rd April. The event runs from about 11.00 to 15.00 and it is expected that there will be presentations from a BMW Mottorad Tour leader, A Garmin technical expert available to answer questions and an Oxford Section display of tours. Bahnstormer will have offers on clothing, accessories, etc. If you wish to start the day with a breakfast you could meet at the Dashwood Arms, Piddington that will be specially opened for us around 08.00 and after a hearty meal, set off to ride to Bahnstormer for 11.00 with a group led by Tim Bolderston.
Volunteers are still required to help at the ACU National Road Rally where the section will be peopling a check point at Carterton; names to Andy Lawson please on 01993 212561 or as soon as possible.
The Pub Socials are getting into full swing as the weather improves and so no excuses get out there and enjoy yourselves!
John L Broad