Trip to Sammy Miller’s Museum

Hi All,

Just a short report on Sunday 15th April 2012 outing to Sammy Miller’s Museum in the New Forest. About 15+ bikes and 20 members turned up at Chievely Services ready for the off. It was a promising day weather wise. Clear and bright but a cold wind to boot. This was my first ‘lead’ in a ride-out and it was pleasing to see so many put their faith in me! There were a number of established members, some new, and a few ‘ringers’………I mean potential new members.  We had a funny moment when a few of us (inc Wendy) walked through the ‘drop -off’ system for a new member, and got it wrong!!!  Oopps. However briefed and left on time.

A swift ride along A34 and A343 to Andover, onto Stockbridge and meet at Salisbury. All good. No one lost. It went as well as I had hoped it would.

We met up with Kevin and +3 others, and he then took the lead onto the New Forest….meandering through Nomansland, passing the Canadian Memorial and onto Boulderwood drive. Finally onto A35 before turning left for the Museum. Hiccup here with a few deserters, whom I rounded up and joined the main party in the museum park area.

Photograph by Dave on this forum proves we made it. Then it was a squeeze into the Bashley Cafe for Roast dinners or late brekkie offerings before our discounted entrance into the museum. This is a little treasure with race/off road/unusual exhibits. I personally liked the ‘Brough Superior’, and I learnt a thing or two about other makes ie ‘Wooler’ ..thanks John.

Staggered departures. Hope all got home OK. I enjoyed it and plan to do another……..IF YOU’LL LET ME.

Cheers,   John and Wendy


Author: John Ottaway

GSA rider.

3 thoughts on “Trip to Sammy Miller’s Museum

  1. Nice one John & Wendy I enjoyed the ride and the pace was good, thanks to Kevin it was enjoyable through the New Forest. See you soon .Mick.

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