Weston Super Mare Ride Out Report
Twas an early Sunday morn when normal folk do sleep
That bikers tenfold did turn up their timing was to keep.
A merry jaunt was planned for all a visit to the coast
Afore the local villagers had bit their morning toast.
They hopped upon their trustee steeds and forward they did go
Joining traffic on the busy road avoiding contra flow
One lick on that new fangled motorway they labelled the M4
To Royal Wootton Bassett we all had seen that before.
The roads they did a twist and turn and take us more miles on
Twenty leagues or more aiming to mare super of Weston
We nipped past some chariots around Baths roman city walls
To weave around the perimeter passing famous theatre halls
We meandered further on our quest to go and see the sea
Round twisty turny bendy roads thru good ole marksbury
The seasons were upon us of mist and cloud and sun
This spurred on all the riders to stop for tea and a bun
(I made that up we stopped at Chew Valley Lake … beautiful views but no beverage in sight)
We remounted our steeds GS , R and a couple of GT’S
Leaving at a gallop picking flies out of our teeth
A few leagues on a few leagues hence a Weston sign we see
Not long now to sit and sunburn while sipping afternoon tea.
An impromptu biking display of aerial acrobatics then ensued
A plethora of motorbiking jumps “Breath-Taking” nice one DUDE
This on a background drop of sand and sea and sun
What a perfect setting and time was had at ole Weston
Two hours pass and time to go ,remembering that bike show
North west direction on our steeds in traffic oh so slow
Sit back relax, but concentrate just go then with the flow
Taking in the scenery towards south of Bristol we go
We hit upon the southern edge around the old city
When blue leader lost his focus and his way “ what a blooming T****Y”
We stopped, regrouped and sought an exit from the burbs
We ride and twist to join A4 by following the kerbs
we scoot out of the city , route sorted and mind at ease
some twisties lie ahead through Marshfield ‘ sure to please’
the roads at pace did not disappoint , we all did have some fun
a good varied day of riding returning safely to The Sun
(not the planet !! the Swindon meeting venue )
We were greeted by live music a rock and roll rendition
With a drink and chat a fitting end to our seaside expedition !!!!!

Nice report Phil, well done, excellent job on a first post! Steve
Hi Phil ,
Just seen your post. Very poetic! Great report.
I gather you’re showing the size of the one that got away! ( in photo )