A collection of views on the life and times of Rob Allin
Rob was born on 18th October 1941 in Penzance – his family having been evacuated from London. He eventually joined the Railways and after serving as a Fireman on Steam locos, he was offered the choice of Steam or Diesel when promoted to Driver. He chose Diesel and his love of speed was confirmed.
Rob had been a biker for many years, but he was 50 before he could afford his first BMW. Derek Johnson persuaded him to join the Club. Rob and Marion were active members for most of the following 29 years. They had a regular slot in our Calendar of events leading a Rideout to a pub for lunch followed by a visit to a National Trust property.

Rob first came to the attention of Ian Dobie in 1993 at the Dreaming Spires Rally. At the end of the Saturday Disco, Rob “jumped on the table” in front of Ian and asked what was planned for the Sunday evening? Ian responded that a Quiz was planned. Rob’s immediate response was “Nah. You don’t want a quiz. Get Him (the DJ) He’s GOOD!” Ian recovering from the surprise managed to rebook the DJ and the resulting Disco was much enjoyed!

I didn’t meet Rob until 2003, when as a brand-new member on my second Rideout Rob turned to me and asked, “Do you want to come to the Isle of Man?” I joined Rob, Eddie Webb and Laurence Gardiner on this trip which coincided with the Southern 100 Race week. By coincidence we saw HM The Queen while we were there. We also met up with David and Rosemary Hicks and the following year the six of us visited Ypres and the Somme. David and Rosemary suggested that Varlet Farm near Ypres would be an ideal location for a Club long weekend trip, and so the Oxford Continental Trips restarted in 2005.
Rob and I went on several trips together, some in smaller groups, and some as part of the main Oxford overseas trip. Sharing with Rob was always an adventure. On our Greek trip, we shared a railway sleeper to Italy with Jill and Tim Bolderston. We arrived in Tuscany 3 nights ahead of the rest of the party but found plenty to entertain ourselves with. Greece was great. With weather mostly hot dry and sunny, we visited major sites of historical interest.

Rob and Marion were on an earlier trip to Greece when his RT developed a fault near Innsbruck. The local BMW Dealer was snowed under and couldn’t diagnose or fix the problem quickly, so they flew home, leaving the bike behind. When the bike was repaired, it was late in the year and Rob was looking for company when he planned to collect the bike. I gave Rob a pillion ride to Innsbruck, sharing hotel accommodation with him both ways and got to know him very well. I learned much about the Railway Unions and his footplate experiences as well as his wide-ranging interests on this trip. (I must confess that as a youngster I had always wanted to be a train driver.)
Some comments from other Members:
- Rosemary and David Hicks – There was never a dull moment when he was around, he will be missed.
- Ken and Fiona Smale – We remember Rob as a remarkable character in many ways, well-loved and appreciated. We enjoyed many conversations with Rob, and lucky to have those fond memories.
- Andy Lawson – I’ve always liked Rob, even though a real handful at times. He had a good and generous side to him that many may not have seen or appreciated. He certainly was very opinionated and didn’t suffer fools easily, but I feel that’s what made him the frustrating at times, but lovable character. I always enjoyed chatting with him, putting the world (and Club!) to rights. I will miss him dearly.
- Frank Butler – An acquired taste, was Rob. But when you got to know him, you realised his heart was in the right place and behind the somewhat abrupt persona was actually. a very kind man.
- David Tomlinson – Rob was the first person to greet me as I arrived dripping wet at the Reims hotel, on the way to 2016 Austria. “Who are you and which section are you from?” he asked. An unforgettable first meeting!
- Jane and Dick Robinson – We were so sorry to hear about Rob. He always seemed so courageous throughout his illness, despite being so frustratingly incapacitated. It seems to us quite fitting that there was a BMW Oxford ride-out and gathering at the Shuttleworth Collection on the day he died – the type of event he surely would have relished and where he would have given his unique take on the mishaps and proceedings!
- Tim Read – I will always remember how welcoming Rob and Marion were to me on my first Club ride out.
- Peter Mapes – It must be about 2 years since the initial prognosis, it just goes to show what an incredible fighter he was, but at the same time despite his handicap he always found time to speak to people.
- Bob and Sue Melvin (Southern Section) – Our first excursion abroad was a Bahnstormer Bruges trip in August 2016. On le Shuttle I discovered that the European maps on my satnav had been deleted. We didn’t know any of the other participants but Rob and Marion, hearing of our plight, offered to take us under their wing, so we tagged along with them. We were introduced to Frank Butler who let slip plans for a certain trip to Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way, which we joined. Rob may have been a controversial character but was always great fun to be with and will be sadly missed.

In conclusion, the best way to describe Rob is that for a man without vocal cords he was never at a loss for words and could be heard by all at AGMs both National and Local. Rob’s heart was in the right place. He was brilliant at welcoming new members and encouraging them on Rideouts.
Rob was always outspoken, and this had an effect everyone he met. He was a bit like Marmite, not popular with everyone!
Rob lost his last battle with cancer on Sunday 30th May. He was a great friend to me on our various trips. Our thoughts and best wishes go to Marion.
Geoff Clough
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